About Cindy

Hi everyone! My name is Cindy. From a very young age, I have always been very curious about the world around me. I am constantly moving and I am constantly learning.

I was born and currently live in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. I am a Yoga Alliance Certified RYT Yoga instructor. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Human Sexuality from San Francisco State University. I acquired my Speech Communication Certification through Foothill College. I am sometimes a Dj, sometimes a tennis coach, sometimes snowboarding, sometimes in the yoga studio, sometimes traveling, sometimes dancing, sometimes being a foodie, sometimes hiking, and I’m always planning a new adventure.

I am here to connect, share, learn, dream, inspire, be mindful and to love. These are my daily practices and why I think they are all important:

  • Connection: Basic positive human connection is vital for our growth as people as we evolutionize in this world. It brings me great joy to build commUNITY amongst each other. Connection also means to connect with ourselves, the “I”.
  • Sharing: To be able to share our experiences with people around us, allows us to become knowledgeable , it allows us to “see” the world, and it propels us for further connection.
  • Learning: We never stop learning when we are out of school! To keep on learning brings great wisdom into our own minds and hearts. Learning keeps life exciting! So keep learning something new! When we learn, the world grows!
  • Dreaming: With the use of dreaming and imagination, it allows us to visualize ourselves to work towards our passions in our lives. To dream our lives ahead of where we are now, brings forth a lot of creativity to get us to where we want to go. We can dream with our thoughts to manifest our reality of which to live in.
  • Inspiration: May it be inspiring yourself, being inspired by others, inspiration is a tool of action! When we feel inspired, we often get excited to get out and expand ourselves!
  • Love: Doing life with love to have love, to feel love, to be love, and to maximize love is truly the embodiment of who we are. BEING love to create a life of joy.
  • Mindfulness: Being mindful of your surroundings and of yourself is to take compassionate care without harm.

Optimism is my vehicle of choice and these seven practices are my passengers that I take on the road with me.

This blog was created on December 1, 2010. It is a place for me to write about the roads of life using my own experiences of personal development, self empowerment, freedom, love, adventure, well being, and achieving pure authentic happiness using my every day practices.

My aim is to inspire you to have an adventurous healthy life full of excitement, to break barriers, and to live freely without expectations. Journey with me through my adventures of experiential living and learning.

Lets begin!


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